Cibola Trail Alliance Glow Golf Tournament
We seek your support as a donor for our 2nd annual Cibola Trail Alliance Glow Golf Tournament. Our goal is to continue to buy a mini excavator for our trail work. This event will be held on Saturday, September 13, 2025, at 7 PM at the Coyote de Malpais Golf Course.
We are looking for monetary support along with in-kind items to raffle. Not only will your donation supplement the Cibola Trail Alliance’s program, but your business will benefit from the exposure of your company’s name to the event participants.
-Dinner Sponsor – $500
Business Logo on Banner at the clubhouse, at one hole, and social media recognition
-Cart Sponsor - $350
Business Logo in carts and social media recognition
-Mulligan Sponsor- $200
Business Recognition on mulligans
-Hole Sponsor - $150
Business Logo at a hole with your business’ information and logo
-In-Kind Donation for Raffle
If you would like to make an in-kind donation or if you have any questions, please contact Chad Gaines at or Dhanielle Gaines at
6 – 7 PM _ Registration
- Mulligan Purchase
- Check IN
7 – 7:15 PM
Recognition of Sponsors and Golfers
7:30 PM – TEE TIME
- 9 Holes - Par 3 Best Ball.
- 2 teams per Hole.
Awards to Follow immediately.
Golf Course will provide - Golf Cart, Food to be served when you want to pick it up, The BAR will be open.
CTA LED Golf Balls (4) per Team will be provided. If you want more than that we suggest that you, please bring your own If you are blind in the Dark.
The Golf Cart path will be illuminated with Glow Sticks or other things
Reminder that this is for Fun and for a great cause that will benefit our community for years to come.